Custom 3d Printing Services!
You provide the design and we can print your figs much cheaper than conventional services? How do we do it? We are hungry.
Custom Figure 3d Printing (Resin)
We now have the ability to custom print your 3d .stl files for role play, war games, etc. If you have a design and you would like to see it in physical form we offer competitive pricing. Basic 25-32 mm figurines all the way to parts up to 6” in length. In most cases a basic figurine is a set price. If they range larger or more volume then we can work with you for a reasonable price to get you what you are looking for. Figures are removed from their support lattice and cured. They will need minor filing and or filling when shipped to you. We QA all of the fiures to ensure you are getting a good print.
200% sized figure for role-playing when he is hit with an “Enlarge” spell. (Also great for display purposes!)
Scalable figures from 6mm up to 120mm
We can also re-scale your figures to give you a sense of scale for more epic scales or larger versions of your characters for a nice display! Figures are removed from their support lattice and cured. They will need minor filing and or filling when shipped to you. We QA all of the fiures to ensure you are getting a good print.
Custom Mandalorean Jet-pack for a customer
Terrain and larger scale printing services.
We have Filament Printers available to print off files you have for terrain or cosplay. You supply the files and we can print them for you. We offer reasonable prices for the time and material. This takes a lot of set up time to get you accurate estimates for the pieces you wish to print. This is not a purchasable option in our store but we can work with you by email to make your designs come to life!