Cosplay / Trophy Sci-Fi Arms and Equipment Gun Replicas

Cosplay / Trophy Sci-Fi Arms and Equipment Gun Replicas
*** PROMOTIONAL OFFER *** USE the code: YEET to get free shipping until Mar 31st. 2020.***
These are 3-D printed human sized replicas of guns from popular science fiction. Each kit comes un-assembled but clean of all support material. Assembly is easy. All you need is a piece of sand paper, Sharp Knife and the glue of your choice. (We prefer E-6000 or super glue).
These are 3d printed pieces so please be carefull. If they get too hot (in a car) the pieces can warp.
You can customize the color of the covering, handle, and the insignia on your gun. we even do custom insignia to represent the look you are going for.
These replicas are non-working with one exception. You may opt for a spring loaded trigger to make it a little more realistic. Otherwise the replica is non-functional. (We encourage blasty noises when you pretend to shoot it)
You can customize the colors and insignia on your gun to make the weapon uniquely yours.