MDF Warhammer Kill Team 2.0 All in one Tracker (Dataslate) (assembly directions to follow)

MDF Warhammer Kill Team 2.0 All in one Tracker (Dataslate) (assembly directions to follow)
FIRSTLY If you are looking to use stains or premium paints on your KT Data slate, Id highly recommend the Plywood KT Data slate instead of this one.
This is a kit to create a replica of a 40k Data slate (IPad) This multi-piece kit will allow you to track
Turn Number
Who has the initiative
Primary Points Scored (for both players)
Secondary Points Scored (1st, 2nd 3rd) (for both players)
Command Points (for both players)
Follow the instructions on the last few pictures to glue your kit together.
ALWAYS DRY-FIT your pieces prior to gluing. If something is too tight, sand the underside of the piece a little until it fits. (Unfortunately our material manufacturers vary in material thickness) MDF typically has no issues, but Plywoods are a little thicker and will need a little sanding before final assembly.
The Spin Down Counters are made in MDF Tan material which can be painted with special steps taken.
All pieces come in the base color of the material with the number and symbols etched in the parts.
If you have any questions, email us and we will be glad to help you with your dream!